February 1, 2012


Time for a January 2012 recap!

  • I started the new year with  misplacing a check as I was leaving Walmart and I was forced to close a checking account that I've had since I was sixteen.  Not fun.
  • By the second week of the month I was down 4.4lbs and I was pleased with my progress!  I reminded myself that "slow and steady" is the approach that I was going to have to take.
  • I enjoyed watching the Broncos take the Steelers out of the race for the Super Bowl!
  • I've not mentioned much about the Reds on this blog.  I don't follow them all too much but I was a fan of Barry Larkin back in the day (it never hurt that he was easy on the eyes) and was beyond happy for him as he was elected into the Hall of Fame.
  • We finally saw a bit of winter.... in the form of ice!
  •  Speaking of ice.. WTF is up with our weather? 60°F in January is just not acceptable.  Instead of more rain today, we should be enjoying some snow!  I'm sick of this weather.
  • I wasted spent an entire Saturday watching one of my most favorite TV series ever!
  • The great "Bed bug scare of 2011" at school, was finally confirmed on Monday.  Operation:  Bed bug Prevention, is underway here in our household. 
  • I have finally begun to organize this house.  I started in the kitchen and this weekend I am attacking the second closet in my room.  I need to post pictures.  I've found so many things that I want to share.
  • It's taken me awhile to jump on the Pinterest bandwagon but I think I've officially taken the leap.  I'm hooked! 
  • I've been having a lot of fun with my new toy.
As I look back on January 2012.. it hasn't been all too bad.  :)  I made it through the absolute busiest month of the year at work and I was not driven to drink daily.  Of course, my weight loss has stalled.  I am working on the motivation aspect of this diet because I've lost what little motivation I once had in the beginning of the month.  Here's to a calm, peaceful and clutter free February!

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