January 16, 2012

It came!

I think I have mentioned my love for Harper's Island if I haven't let me take this time to mention - I LOVE this show.  I watched it the first time it was on TV.  I've also watched the entire season 2 more times since the original airing, thanks to the cable station, Chiller.  There aren't many shows that I can stand to sit and watch the season over and over again that make it worthwhile to purchase the entire season, but this is one of the few.

Today... it came.

... and I am happy.  

I was planning on working on one of my bedroom closets this weekend.  Both closets still have a LOT of my mom's crap in them and they desperately need to be gone through and purged.  But, after receiving this in the mail today, I think it can wait another week.

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