January 11, 2012

I *can* do this...

everyone that follows this blog knows my real struggle with dieting, weight loss, exercise, and late night binging.  every time I start a new "change" I do really well.  I can convince myself "no, do NOT go into the kitchen after 10pm".  but, then a few weeks into the program I start to slip back into the horrible habits.  

I'll justify the food .. "it's just 5 crackers".. then go back in the kitchen... "it's just 3 spoons of ice cream"...then go back... "it's just 2 cheese sticks".  then, asI lay down for bed I feel the guilt.  I hate myself all over again.  in the morning, every morning, I find myself compulsively standing on the scale to see if the night before binge put the lbs back on.  if so?  I really buckle down and do well all day.......until 10pm.  then I have the voice in my head nagging and whispering all over again.

since starting Weight Watchers again, I haven't had the "I'm so hungry I'm going to KILL you" moment.  my late night binges haven't been *as bad* as they have been in the past.  I'm hoping I'm slowly, but surely, going to go one night.. then maybe 3 nights, then maybe a whole week! with no late night snacks.  maybe I'm actually getting the hang of this WW program and how to spread out the points so that I'm not freaking out hungry.  what I need to get a handle on is the "eating out of boredom".  because, in reality, the only person it's hurting is me.   

once I can get the boredom eating under control.. LOOK OUT.. because this momma is determined to shed the pounds in time for roller coaster season!  

as of 1/7/12
to reach the 25lb loss goal...
lbs lost:  4.4
lbs to go:  20.6

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