December 2, 2011

such a bad bad blogger.

i have SUCKED as a blogger for the past few months.  

i did not post halloween blogs or pictures.

i did not post autumn fun stuff such as our trip to the pumpkin farm or our last trip to KI for the year.

i did not post anything regarding thanksgiving.. does anyone care how the dreaded bird turned out!?

actually, i haven't posted many pictures at all over the last several months... that needs to change.

i haven't updated anyone on my weight loss (or gain....) adventure!

i haven't even thought to change my header!  i used to change up the layout of my blog constantly...

therefore, from THIS moment until the end of the year i vow (yes, i said vow) to accomplish something.  i will blog everyday until 12/31/11.  it may be just a picture, it may be a full on novel.. but it will be something.  AND, because i need to conserve my creative juices, i'm going to quickly end this entry.

but, before i go, i must say that our house already has experienced 2 casualties this christmas season at the hands paws of spike.  if anyone was following last year you may remember this and this and he's already begun his antics!  pictures will follow!! (no, i really mean it.  i will take pictures.  no more just saying i will and then going weeks never to post again.  you'll actually see them.)

now.. off to hit walmart!

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