November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know, it's late.. SO!  Here is my Thanksgiving post.  :)

Of course, I severely underestimated the timing of the turkey again.  WTF is wrong with me?!  It was about an hour later that we were all finally sitting down to eat.  And eat we did.  We had turkey AND ham.  We had 2 different kinds of stuffing, green bean casserole and corn.  Too much food.  I'm so full I am feeling sick.  Very sick.  

And how does one complete the perfect Thanksgiving dinner?  A piece of pumpkin pie?  Apple?  Cheesecake??  NO!  A Bengals football game.  A Bengal win would be even better.

I hope everyone enjoyed their day, and can relax and enjoy the rest of their weekend.

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