December 3, 2011

casualty number one.

as promised.. i am eeking out a post today.  just in time, yes?

this is the tree the night we put it up. 

notice the bottom layer of lights... working.

now, the tree as it currently looks as of 5 minutes ago.

notice the bottom row.. NOT working?

the only thing i can possibly think happened is that spike (because we all know that mao is an angel and could never have done something so destructive) somehow broke one of the lights?  because, as you can see from the picture below.. ONE is missing.  i'm now on the hunt for replacement bulbs with the green rubber piece attached.  i have found just the bulbs with the metal pieces hanging, but i don't want to mess with all of that headache.  i'll buy a whole strand of clear bulbs if i have to, and rip one out, and replace this one!

now, i don't want to throw blame around (SPIKE) when i did not witness the offending cat (SPIKE) in act of destroying the tree... but, i'd bet money on which one (SPIKE) i think is the jerk that is determined to ruin christmas again this year!

(excuse the quality of the top 2 pictures.  one is cell (and we all know mine is crap) and the other is a hurried picture in the dark)


  1. Um, mars ate a row of lights on our pre-lit tree (the little jerk is lucky he's cute).
