November 22, 2011

top ten v.8

despite my current (and continued) funk i feel the need to express my thanks.  well, not so much my thanks... but more so my thankfulness.  is that a word?  i guess so since spell check didn't catch it.  probably i'll include that on my list.  

10.  spell check!

09.  internet.  without you, i would not have met the most amazing people in my life.

08.  a roof over my head.  i can't say the same for the basement, but my roof keeps me dry!

07. my boss.  i don't know that many other jobs would allow me the time off that i've needed the past couple   years.  i'm very fortunate to have found this job.

06.  christmas music.  as i type this,  bing crosby is singing about a white christmas.  it may not totally bring me out of the funk..but it is reminding me of my grandpa. :)

05.  cincinnati children's hospital.  i can't even begin to express how blessed we, as a community, are to have this hospital so close.  

04.  naps.  i'm thankful that the demon is old enough that he actually encourages me to take a nap.

03.  my amazing friends.  without you guys i am not sure where i would be right now.  from helping with cleaning up sewage <3  to sitting with me while i wait on word about my grannie's awful fall in the shower.  from talking me through some very rough times recently  to waiting with me while the demon has surgery.  from the random texts to daily facebook comments.  on facebook - from posting LL videos to posting inspirational quotes.  you all have shown me what true friendship means. 

02.  my family.  we've been through a LOT this past year.  last year ended with grannie having her stroke and then started with her falling in the shower.  both grannie and the demon have been through surgeries and enough hospital visits and stays that, sadly, i've lost count.  we've been through months of not speaking to each other to end up on the other side of the year texting daily like we always have.  no matter what ever happens i will do anything i have to do to keep my family happy and healthy.  as a whole, my family has so much to be thankful for this november.

01.  the demon.  he is my everything.  i am thankful he has inherited my momma's strength and courage.  he is an amazing person - inside and out.

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