December 9, 2010

Stupid cat.

Throughout my 33 years I've been blessed to be owned by 7 cats.  Spike just may be the death of me.  I've never experienced a cat that has been so obsessed with our Christmas tree.  Normally, the first few days they have bothered with the ornaments or garland but usually get bored and leave it alone the remainder of the holiday season.  

Not Spike.  

Every morning we wake up to an ornament on the ground.  Every afternoon we come home to an ornament on the ground.  I've had to use cable ties to secure the garland in place. The lower half of the tree looks more  and more bare each and every day.. although, I can't seem to explain why?  If there were ornaments there that no longer are, I have no idea where they have been taken?!  Maybe I just didn't decorate those areas and my memory is showing it's age.  Thankfully, most of the ornaments that have hit the floor have been able to be rehung.  

Unfortunately, some have not been so lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Spike and Mars must be related. I have NEVER had an animal as bent on destruction as that cat is. He's eaten probably more than $100.00 in chargers and headphones. I lost track of how many glass ornaments he demolished last year, and now he's working on garland and tree lights.
