March 26, 2012

More of the same.

I thought I would look back on my blog around this same time last year to see how far I've come!

I wrote about brightening up my blog.. but I've already done that this year, and  I am loving this look.

I wrote about how extremely tired I was.  Interestingly enough, I'm very tired today.  Recently, I've not been as sleepy since I've mastered the combination of vitamin B12 and a multivitamin during the day and a perfect cocktail of melatonin to have me in bed before midnight on most nights. But today.. I'm tired.

I wrote about a surprise snow fall in March and my continual struggle with weight loss.  Maybe we still have a chance for some white stuff!  And, I don't think I have to even get into any of the weight loss issues I'm still experiencing....

I wrote about how the Demon failed, once again, to hang a freakin' new roll of toilet paper.  And, last night, I was left high 'n dry again (well, technically not dry)!!  Thankfully, he was in the house and came to my rescue.

I wrote about how Spring had sprung!  However, in this post we saw no green buds on the tree, but, almost a year later, (to the day) we see green.  :)

This morning I "caught" the Demon in another stupid lie.  I checked the school menu and noticed it was cheeseburgers.  Since we both gave up meat for Lent I knew he shouldn't be buying lunch so I asked him if he made his lunch.  "Yes." was the reply I was given.  I could immediately tell he was lying.  I asked him to show me.  "Oh, I'm buying today."  At this point, I could feel my BP rising.  I said, "You're buying a cheeseburger?  I assume so since I've told you I'm not paying $2.50 for a peanut butter & jelly sandwich when we have that crap here!!"   Why must we start mornings off so bad around here?!  To make a long story short (I know, too late!)  He now has to write "I will not lie to my mom."  200 times this evening.  On top of that, he's grounded for this weekend regardless of any good grades he may bring home.  On top of that, he has to do all the yard work tomorrow.  I'm sure he will lie to me again and the next time the punishment will be even worse.  I have to start becoming more creative with these punishments.  Maybe I can call the zoo and have him volunteer to shovel the elephant poo'.

As I was looking back, it's even clearer to me that even though the days pass and times moves on - my life never really changes.  *&#!   On the bright side, everyone is healthy and no one is currently in the hospital.  I guess it isn't all bad.  :)

Enjoy your Monday!

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