March 25, 2011

How hard is it!?

I didn't plan a blog post for today.  I just wasn't in the mood..had nothing to talk about.  

Until, I got home from work.

I went to the bathroom and it hit me... 

WHY oh why?!

Is it just a male thing?  Do any of you with daughters and have this same issue?

From the toilet (haha) I yelled "DEMON, get my camera for me!"

I proceeded to take pictures... as he did what he should have done this morning.

Seriously, why are his hands already so tan?

Ta da!  

It took a total of less than 30 seconds.  

Disclaimer:  The Demon was not harmed in the changing of the toilet paper roll.


  1. LOL on the disclaimer! Mine will just leave 2-3 sheets so I don't realize there isn't enough there until it is too late.

  2. I have four girls and they all leave me stranded!

  3. I'm always the one left hanging. Mine leave the 2-3 sheets too.

  4. Whew, I don't feel so alone now! lol
