March 30, 2011


Yes, you read the title correctly.  It is March 30, 2011 - and it was snowing when I walked into work today.  I know, I know... you probably want those 70 degree days back.  You probably want the sun to be shining down, and the warm breezes blowing.   You probably want suntans and pool lounging.  However, all of that equals allergies, sweat and sunburns for me..and I'm "oh so happy" with the snow surprise this morning.  It wasn't much at all and quickly stopped - but it was enough to make me smile as I walked through the door this morning.

I think we're about halfway through Lent and I have YET to lose a single pound.  WTF is wrong with me!!??   I'm sure it has to do with the fact that instead of meats and cheeses..I've decided to pig out on carbs and starches.  So... I have revised my Lenten promise.  You all remember how dedicated I am when it comes to this (remember burning in the fiery pits of hell for eating cheese?) so I am sure I can accomplish this goal.  I want too will lose ten pounds by Easter.  I don't know how many days I have left, I don't want to count to find out it's not much time.  BUT, I will do what I have to do to lose those 10lbs.

Last night, I ate a reasonable dinner and danced.  I also forced myself not to eat after 9pm.  I'm sure walking outside to a creeper going through my trash had something to do with me having little appetite last night,...but that is another issue all together.  It's not much, but it is a start..and I'll take it!

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