September 18, 2012

top ten V.17

as much as i would love to have the creativity to assemble a top ten every tuesday, unfortunately, i don't. ha!  oh well, but i do have one today.  it's a collection of total randomness, but, it's sure to entertain at least 1 person (or not? lol)

01.  it's supposed to be a dreary, rainy day here.  i love these kind of days! after not having to cut the grass much at all this year, because of very little rain - it desperately needs it now.

02. i've started decorating for halloween.  whenever we're out and see halloween displays i want to go nuts.  but, then i remember all of the decor that i already own and as i try to map out in my head where anything new will go... i talk myself out of purchasing anything new.  i figure once everything i have is up, then i can map out where new things will go and will have reason to get more!  see how i tell myself that it's okay?  :)

03.  speaking of new... 

weeee!  originally i ordered a plug in wax burner.  unfortunately, (or some could say fortunately) it was too heavy for my outlets and would keep falling out.  i returned it and was able to exchange it for this amazing burner.  he goes beautifully in my dining room with all the other owls hanging out.  one can never have too much smell goodness...especially this time of year!

04.  if given a million years, i never thought i'd ever say (or even think)  ... "i love painting my fingernails!"  i've never been a girlie girl.  i've never been able to actually grow long nails.  while i still don't consider myself a girlie girl, i have been taking prenatal vitamins and my nails have been growing like crazy!  the demon was ordered to take prenatals (for the folic acid) and when i ran out of my daily vitamins i grabbed the prenatals.  i wish i would've done it years ago!  it's amazing how differently i feel with pretty painted finger nails.   

05.  i'm officially addicted to browsing (and in some cases purchasing from!) etsy.  i'm sure that a lot of my TiLT will come from browsing over there.

06.  the cooler temps are coming and i could not be happier about it.  i would love to find a place to live that i could wear hoodies all year round.

07.  the demon seems to be a lot more dedicated to school this year.  i know, it's only september.. but, i'll take anything.  it won't be long before he's taking high school placement tests.  i'm nervous for him!

08.  my DVR is working in overdrive.  all of my summer shows are ending and the fall season is beginning.  sons of anarchy started last week and american horror story is scheduled to start next month!  and, let's not forget my love for all things reality!  i also can't mention tv and fall without bringing up my bengals!!

09.  the beast is still recovering from his knee surgery, but, hopefully will be off crutches soon.  i really hope he's going to be up to doing a few fun fall activities this year.  i'm afraid it won't be too long before they are to the the point of not wanting to hang out with family and we'll be pushed aside for their friends.  waah.

10.  finally, i mentioned the other day about an awful diagnosis for mao.  we were told last week that he has feline infectious peritonitis.  in other words, he has a fatal virus.  i was told, with the type that he has (dry version) if we get another year with him we'd be "lucky".  we don't feel very lucky.  the other version of this illness (wet version) has an even worse outlook.  so, i guess we are lucky that we may get more time with him.  to say that we're upset is an understatement.  he is only 3 years old!  he came home last thursday (from the vet) and was still feeling very puny.  by friday he was perking up a bit and when saturday came he was eating and drinking a bit more.  he was back to his annoying, never moving when you're trying to walk past him..self!  although, for some reason, he is not blinking/closing his right eye.  very weird.  we are putting eye drops in his eye 3 times a day...and since he doesn't close it, it's not hard at all! 

this was taken saturday.  this was the first day, since he started feeling so bad a week ago, that he wanted to do something other than lay around and sleep.  it's been hard getting him to eat!  you would think, with such a fat cat, it would be easy - just throw some wet food in front of him and he'd go nuts.  you'd be wrong.  he's turned his nose up to tuna, wet cat food, meaty baby food... everything.  everything except yogurt.  we finally figured out he would eat yogurt!  we also noticed him wanting to play we went out and quickly bought a cheap laser pointer from the dollar store.  i can't wait to get him on video!  you'd never believe he was so sick watching him play.  ♥

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