September 16, 2012

my week on instagram

♦ i ended the week wasting an entire morning/afternoon  waiting on the Jeep, at the dealer.
♦ i tried to limit my doughnut intake to one! but, caved and had a second.  :)
♦ i cursed the store for having full on christmas decoration displays up a month before Halloween.
♦ i enjoyed the view from the sunroof while waiting for the demon to be released from school.
♦ i suffered with horrible allergies.
♦ i did see more Halloween owls! and restrained myself by not purchasing any...yet.
♦ spike missed his brother mao while he spent a few days  away at the vet.  
♦ i saw this niiiice car while waiting for the demon and my brother to grab some speedy freeze drinks.
♦ and, i dedicated my "hero" photooftheday to the demon, as he ate a yummy iced sugar cookie.

we received some awful news on the health of mao, so if i'm MIA from the blog -  it's because we're trying to spend as much time as we can with him ♥.  

i hope everyone has enjoyed their sunday! 

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