August 29, 2012

just a little more surgery.

the day started out like any other school day.  we were up early and ready to leave on time!  okay, well that part isn't so ordinary... but, instead of heading to work like i normally would do i was preparing to sit and wait while the beast had surgery.  he tore both his ACL and MCL during football practice.  yeah - to say he was bummed would be an understatement.

as we waited you could see he was just a tad anxious.

he wasn't too sure that he really wanted to go through with this.  we didn't have to wait too long before he was called back to have the IV started and go through the routine pre-op crap.  once that was over the rest of us were called back to chill while he waited to be wheeled to the operating room. 

they marked his (shaved, ha!) leg...

and gave him a sweet cap he was to wear during surgery...

it was good to see him laughing.

we were led to the waiting room and there we waited for about an hour and half.  the doctor came out to inform my brother and sister in law that the surgery went great and we'd all be able to see him soon. 

we weren't allowed to snap pictures post op and since i had to leave at 2:30 to pick up the demon from school i have no "after" photos.  we plan to visit tomorrow afternoon and as long as he doesn't mind i will grab a few and update everyone on his progress.

he knows the next few weeks/months won't be easy but he's been told to stick with it and maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to play football again.  i want to thank everyone that took the time to think of him and our family yesterday.  we appreciate all the love and support.

on a side note - during last summer and both of the demon's surgeries my nephew stepped up to help out at home and he always wanted to come to the hospital to visit.  the demon can't afford to miss school but he made sure to lend his support the only way he knew how.. he went in front of his classroom and asked the entire class to say a pray for his cousin.  we really have raised some amazing young men in our family!

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