July 23, 2012

project completed.

imagine the timing!  i posted this on thursday morning and thursday evening i get the text letting me know he (my friend's hubby) has time to come and install the railings.  happy day!  he arrived around 7pm and worked into the dark to finish everything.  

i'm so happy this is finished.  it's one project - on a list of many home repairs - that i can cross off.  we had the option of only installing one railing but i figured, with my luck and the luck of my entire family, we'd be safer with two.  definitely.

the only problem i can see developing from the removal of the ramp is the obvious lack of places to hang our wet pool towels.

... and wet bathing suits.  normally we would cover the railings on the ramp with each of our wet things... i guess we'll have to use what we are left with!  we'll make it work.

oh... i found a place that i think momma would approve of - for goober.

can i just say... he is NOT light.  yikes.  i haven't attempted cleaning him up just yet only because i'm clueless when it comes to anything crafty.  i don't exactly know where to start... maybe he looks better worn and chipped?

oh!  and one last thing... truck appreciates his water dish finding its home back on the porch - the completed porch. 

i'd say he approves.

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