July 19, 2012

a whole new view.

the pictures in this blog were taken prior to receiving my new camera... just fyi.

remember this post?  well, here's what we've been up to...

this project has been in the works for years...at least in our minds it has been.  the wood was deteriorating and instead of putting more money into wood and repairs it made more sense to remove it, especially because we didn't need the ramp.  momma and i would talk about removing the wheelchair ramp and putting steps on the back porch.  since she had a visiting physician, she really only left the house twice a year.   the plan was to purchase a portable wheelchair ramp to use for those trips (to the dentist) and then the back yard ramp could be removed.  time slipped by everyone and last year she was moved next door.  then, our excuse for continuing to put off the project was the expense that came along with building the steps.  since the battle with a certain life insurance policy was fought and won, i had some money to finally get this project going.  not only that, but my driveway is in severe need of a fresh coating of blacktop and it only made sense to do this project first as the ramp was imbedded in the driveway.

first things first, i was not prepared for the emotions that would flood my mind as the ramp was being taken down.  not easy... at all.

i also needed someone to disconnect and remove the wheelchair lift.  the lift has not worked for years and i was willing to give it to anyone that wanted it to scrap as long as they got it out of the way.  the task of removing the lift proved to be a lot more difficult than the ramp itself...but they got it done!

seriously, look at how awful my driveway looks!
end of day 1...

the ramp has been in place for about 25 years.  as i was walking by the dining room window the next morning i actually had to look twice.  it has been a surreal experience...

the next step was to frame out the main part of the porch and pour some concrete.

end of day 2...

keep in mind that this job is being done by two guys that do these types of "side jobs" after they get off of working their full time job.  there were a couple nights that they stayed well past dark to finish what needed to be finished.  it was those nights that these guys put in over 16 hours of hard work in some incredibly hot temperatures. i'm blessed to have such amazing people in my life, willing to go above and beyond to help me. 

a few days later, after allowing that first bit of concrete to harden, they returned to start framing out the steps and the slab of concrete to go on the top.  since it was July 3rd and they knew they had the following day off, they decided to start pouring the concrete for the steps.  it was another late night for them but they really accomplished a lot.

end of day 3...

it was at this point that i was a little confused.  looking at this picture, take a look at the big drop off from the porch to the first step!  my exact thought was "whoa, that's a big step!"  but i had confidence these guys knew what they were doing and were gonna get it done!  unfortunately, they ran out of concrete and couldn't finish things off just yet.  we have 2 other doors, in addition to our back door, that exits to the back yard so this project was never a real inconvenience.  well, the dog may argue that fact.  he is such a baby when it comes to steps so getting him to tackle the basement steps was an adventure.  but, once he did he had no problems.

the next day they were out they completed the framing of the steps.  i missed getting a picture of the end of day 4.  after allowing that concrete to harden they came and removed all of the framing to reveal the completed project!

end of day 5...

what a huge difference.  we're not totally finished yet.  he is going to come out soon to attach a railing on each side of the steps and then voilà!  done.  at least with the stairs/porch.  the yard has a long way to go.  and, as far as truck is concerned...he's adjusted well and is darting up and down the steps like he's never been afraid at all!

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