July 5, 2012


for the past week a good friend of mine has offered up her husband and his friend and they have been busy, battling the horrible heat, in my back yard working on a major home project.

i will only present you, right now, with a before picture as they are not quite finished just yet.

the view from my back door

i've been taking pictures of the progress as they finish for the day... soon i will post those along with the "after" photo.  

in the meantime, i wanted to introduce you all to Goober.  before i was born my momma had a pet rooster named Goober.  well, i say before i was born because i have no memory of any rooster - but as i type this i honestly can't remember if her stories were that she had him when i was a baby or not.  any who, as my brother and i grew up we would always be told stories about this rooster.  and, with each story we would sigh and say "yeah right!"  it was fun to tease her and continue to argue the fact that she really had such a pet.

for as long as i can remember we had a concrete type of rooster statue in the back yard.  i never gave it much thought and honestly didn't care one way or the other about the thing.  that was...until i recently found it under the ramp...

it's in awful condition but, as soon as the "project" is finished in the back yard i fully intend to do my best to fix this guy up and find a perfect spot for him in the back yard.  it's the little things that really bring back memories.  it's not so much the stories she used to tell - because, honestly, i can't remember details of any story about Goober - but it is about knowing that she loved this stupid rooster statue and it will make me happy to fix it up the way she would want it to be displayed.  

i only wish she were here to see it...

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