April 6, 2012


Growing up my mom would watch Jesus Christ Superstar, multiple times a day, from Palm Sunday to Good Friday.  And, when I say "watch" I mean "blare the movie beyond any level of decibels that would be considered safe for growing ears".  This tradition has now found it's way to the Demon.  He loves this movie.  It wasn't until I was an adult and he wanted to watch it, that I actually sat down and watched it from beginning to end.  I mean, come on, I was much too cool to sit through some Jesus musical from start to finish.  However, because my Momma did watch it so often and at such LOUD levels, every song was seared into my memory.  I know every word to every song in the freakin' movie and proved that very fact to the Demon last night when he had the nerve to doubt it!

As we were watching it last night (for the 3rd time) it dawned on me that this movie will forever remind me of my Momma.  That lead me to think about other things that will forever remind me of people in my life.  I'm sure we all have something from our childhoods that, if seen or heard, will immediately put us back to that moment in time!  With my Momma it will always be Jesus Christ Superstar and Air Supply.  Don't ask!  That may be another blog completely.

I started thinking about what I remember most about my Grandpa.  Beyond childhood experiences and memories, two sayings will always be associated with him.... Almost every single time we would walk through a doorway he would say "Age before beauty.".. then push me through!  Other times, we could be randomly sitting there and he'd let out a long sigh and when I would ask him what was wrong he would say... "ahhhh, Casey.. why can't I be rich instead of good looking?".  A few years ago I found that saying on a T-shirt and knew I had to get it!

All of this thinking had me wondering what the Demon will most remember when he thinks of me?  As I said, for the better part of his life I've spent a lot of time online.  I hate that the thought of his mom sitting in front of a computer screen may be what he thinks of when I cross his mind when he's an adult.  I don't want that!  I want him to have memories of dancing in the living room while we blast some corny music (that's where the Air Supply comes into play...) or something funny that I may have said that brings a smile to his face when he hears it years later.

What will your children remember?  What do you want them to remember?

I hope everyone enjoys some time creating memories with their families this Easter.  I plan to return on Monday with some pictures!  I've been slacking lately.

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