January 3, 2012

Top Ten V.11

since this is the start of a new year, I thought I better create a master goal list that I'd like to accomplish in 2012.  I would rather consider them goals vs. resolutions.. I'm sure it's just semantics but who cares!  whether it's a goal or resolution I'm sure I will find it tough to complete the entire list :).

here goes!

01.  I need to finish the basement.  this is going to include washing and repainting the walls (with help of course!) and reorganizing everything that remains from the great flood of 2011.  tomorrow I begin this goal by purchasing some more standing shelves.

02.  change my eating lifestyle.  and, that's all I'm going to say about that here.  

03.  I spend too much time of my life in front of a computer screen.  I want to keep the laptop closed while the Demon is awake in the evenings.  

04.  be a better blogger.  I attempted this goal last year.  even though I started out strong.. as the year went on I bombed!

05.  organize my dining room. 

06.  clean out both closets in my bedroom.

07.  clean out both file cabinets in my bedroom.

08.  somehow get a huge, heavy chair out of my bedroom.. down the steps..and ?  I'm not even sure where I want it to go.

09.  use more coupons!  I need to really get serious with this.. I should be doing all I can to save money.

10. get an oil change! lolol  I am overdue.. very overdue for an oil change.  hopefully this one won't be too hard to achieve.

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