January 4, 2012

Somewhat Productive.

after work yesterday I grab the Demon and we headed to walmart.  the goal of the shopping trip was to stock up on "healthy" food (which, in reality, is a bunch of weight watchers and lean cuisine TV dinners), a shelving unit for the basement and a lamp for the marble top table.  at the moment, I can't remember if I posted here my dislike of the marble top table that I managed to (barely) get up to the living room?  not surprisingly the table top is crazy heavy.  after I strained, screamed and moaned my way up the steps, I knew that the table was not heading back to the basement.  instead, I knew I had to get a lamp that I could keep there throughout the rest of the year.

this... is the result.

excuse the glare on the picture.. this was taken in the dark :P

does it look okay?  at first, the lamp was centered on the table.  but, I soon realized the lamp is too small to be center stage.  I'm not sold on the look just yet - but it will have to do.

as a total random thing... I made a huge mistake and somehow globally putting the "Christmas 2011" label on every single blog post I've ever made.  Grrrrr!!  I think the only way for me to fix it is to go post by post and remove it.  NOT something I am looking forward to do .

finally, I wanted to congratulate mysels on my first computer free evening in a long time!  here's hoping for many more!

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