January 2, 2012

Made by: The Demon

every year, without fail, the Demon makes something for me for Christmas and this year was no different.

the super cute container that the held the gift.

how cute!?

last year he made a Christmas plate using this same technique.  after typing that, I realized I probably should've taken a picture of the plate this year being used.  oops!  now it's too late as all the decorations have been removed.  well, all the decorations except the bare tree.  by the weekend, that will be down as well!

this morning I woke up to... snow!  i'm much to cozy and warm, right now, to get up and get a picture so you'll have to take my word.  even though I've caught myself complaining about how much time the Demon has spent on his electrical devices since Christmas (iPod, DS3, computer), and even though I've (for the first time ever) secretly wished he were back in school because of spending so much time on said devices... I'm not thrilled with the fact that he starts back in 2 days!  I have become spoiled with the extra hour of sleep.  it's not just the sleep... I love that he stays up later!  oh well.. how many days until spring break!?

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