April 6, 2011

If I dream it...it will happen.

I have always had vivid dreams - even day dreaming.  I've also had a lot of dreams (visions) come true.

Years ago,  my Grannie and I were walking to get dinner.  As I was walking, I just got this strange feeling come over me.  It was weird.  I imagined her falling, actually saw it.  Later that night, I got the call that she had fallen down her basement steps. 

Another time, the boys were looking all over the house for a game controller.  It had been lost for months.  I was just waking up from a nap and was still groggy.  I mumbled to them that I had a dream, it was in the bottom drawer of the stand in the way back.  They went to check...and there it was.  It blew their minds!

Just the other day the Demon could not find a certain belt buckle.  After looking for close to 45 minutes.. I sat down, closed my eyes and just thought.  I opened them and told him to look in the couch.  There it was!  He called me "Mind Freak".

It also happens when I think of a person.  Shortly after they pop back into my life.

Does anyone experience anything like this?

I've mentioned my freaky dreams of losing my teeth.  I think that's why they are extra scary to me.  I really feel like I'm going to look into a mirror and my teeth will crumble in my reflection. 

I think, tonight,  I'm going to try to dream of winning the lottery.


  1. Omg this is me all the time!! I even "hear" my husband say things before he speaks. Freaks him out.

  2. I have had those kinds of dreams before too and they are scary!

    As for the teeth, that means something different. I think it is something about losing control over something.

  3. Kane and I say the same thing at the same time A LOT. Just random things, out of the blue. It freaks him out too!

  4. You got premonitions! Look it up! Its very cool! I am like this too, I will want someone to call me and I will keep thinking about it and they will call. Or I will sitting on the couch and I will have a feeling that someone is coming over and someone does. Its nuts. lol.

  5. Well your teeth issue prob stems from, uh, IDK maybe getting them KNOCKED out??? I will never forget that one and it happened to you!

    I do have weird things happen as well. I remember being in my fantasy relationship with Matt Hutzel and I said I would marry him. Who knew that I would ever marry a "Matt?"

    Oh and what about the hat you found after months of searching for it? I bet "Bob", the ghost had something to do with that and I seriously believe that!

  6. LOL!! That was one of the most traumatic things to ever happen to me, in my whole life! I can't go to a hockey game without serious anxiety. LMAO! Bob!!!
