April 5, 2011

Total Lockdown....Again.

The Demon brought his report card home yesterday.  These are the low-lights.

2 D-'s.  Really!!??  I consider them F's.  Grrrr!!!!!! 
He only missed 4 days of school.  
He has NO excuse.  
Today he lost the 1 hour of free time I had been giving him each day.  
He was not happy at all, but didn't put up a fight.  

Instead wrote this...

Let's hope he's serious because I know I am.


  1. Dear #1...that is ADORABLE! Right there I'd have to unground him. LOL!!!!

    And, for Hailee's C she got this quarter, I took away her cell and flat iron for a MONTH. Mama doesn't play!

  2. LOL I laughed at that. I told him "Dude, you're lucky you didn't put #2. Then I'd be POOP!" He cracked up.

  3. That is too sweet! Even when grounded, he still loves and respects you...can you train my kids? LOL...when I ground mine I don't get a card, I get severe eye-rolling, attitude, and dirty looks. You've got a great kid there! WTG momma!

  4. Yikes!! Does the same teacher teach math and science? What in the world could he not be completing?? Love his note! He wants those grades up, but ask him HOW he is going to make that happen? What's the plan?
