September 23, 2010

Nightmares! We all got 'em.

Picture it... (In my best Sophia Petrillo voice) 1989.  It was a normal 6th grade day...a day like every other day.  It was gym class and the students were playing hockey.  Not hockey with the safe plastic hockey sticks with plastic puck.. but hard wooden sticks and puck.  Suddenly an unsuspecting little girl goes to steal the puck from behind another student.  The next thing that little girl remembers is gripping her mouth and screaming and crying.  She is feeling around her mouth with her tongue and quickly she realizes that she has only halves of her two front teeth.  The teacher grabs her, her bits of teeth, and rushes her to the office...   21 years, many horrible bonding experiences, two root canals, and 4 crowns later that same girl still suffers from serious teeth nightmares!

Now, when I say nightmares, try to envision looking in a mirror and your teeth just crumbling into your hands.  Or maybe you are looking in a mirror and your teeth seem to be flapping in your reflection..and you reach up and just start pulling out all of your teeth, one by one.  It truly is a scary dream.  I wake up and feel my heart racing and I start to, literally, feel my teeth with both my tongue and fingers.  There have also been times when, the next morning, I look closely in the mirror to check to see if my teeth really are loose!?  Usually, I then let out a huge sigh of relief.

Could the nightmares really all be coming from that awful, horrifying experience all those years ago?  Could they have continued over the years because I actually decided to major and become a dental hygienist?  Many years of studying teeth, oral health, and actually working on patients could be causing the dreams? Maybe, but I haven't worked in a dental office in close to 6 years, and the dreams continue.

Could they really not have to do with teeth at all?

Because I've had these types of dreams for so long I decided to do a little research.  According to this link (which completely describes my dreams) it could mean that I have serious anxieties about my appearance.  No kidding?!  I hate being fat... but I haven't always been fat and these dreams have occurred even during my skinny days.  

An anxiety about growing old?  Dying?  Maybe.

I did read further and I think maybe this is it!  One of the explanations talks about feeling powerless.  Maybe I should begin to keep a record of when I have these dreams.  There are many situations in my life where I am completely powerless; from the Demon and his illness... to my mom and her MS..and even with the most recent problems with my brother.  After yesterday, I truly believe that this is my issue.I  Especially considering I had a freak out tooth nightmare last night.  If you choose to read the link you'll see more explanations.  I wonder if those reading, that know me, see another explanation that may really fit me better?

Whatever the reason.. these dreams nightmares  f r e a k  me out!

*Also.. I wanted to add I may not be blogging as regularly in the days ahead.  I have so much going on and when I choose to sit down and type it out I get very sad.  I may post random pictures daily.. but I need to get my emotions in check before I can get back to normal around here.  I don't want this blog to be gloom and doom every day.*


1 comment:

  1. Aww, I hope you are able to sleep better, nightmare free!!
