February 3, 2011

stOOpid reality TV!!

Arghhhh!   Time and time again I get sucked into reality TV.

Recently, I have been watching Top Chef.  Is it TOO much to ask that the person I want to win make it to (at LEAST) the final 3!!??  Tonight, my favorite went home.  Grrr...

I've repeatedly said on this blog that I have an obsession with reality TV.  However, a long time ago, I put a ban on American Idol in my house.  After years of disappointment (Chris Daughtry & Adam Lambert!?!), I stopped watching.  This year, a very good friend of mine asked me to watch this season.  He enjoys watching the show and thought it would give us something to talk about... Of course, being the awesome person that I am, I reluctantly agreed.  The Demon enjoys AI so it's another show we can watch together.  A win/win.  Each week, especially during auditions, I sit and wonder why the hell did I agree to watch this crap!?  I hope that the final 12 are worth sitting through the mind numbing experiences I've already seen.

I also hope that anyone that reads this blog doesn't get irritated with any future American Idol posts.  Because.. the way I look at it - if I'm gonna suffer through this season.. so is everyone else!  ♥

Although, having to watch Steven Tyler ... in all of his sexiness... makes the hour (or two) not so hard to deal with after all.  That's a plus - right?

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