February 2, 2011

I'm going to be late for my own funeral.

really, he's happy!

Obviously, I'm late with the Monday Demon Face Update!  It's been a rough week for the Demon.  He's in a full blown, legitimate UC flare up right now.  Yesterday?  12 Trips to the bathroom.  Thankfully, his doctor and I are on the same page with his treatment.  No one wants him to go back on the steroid.  He called in an antibiotic and we have to hope and pray that it starts to work. The other problem Dr. F brought up was that it is a possibility that the Demon is processing the Remicade too quickly.  If that is the case (blood work will show whether that is true) his dose will have to be adjusted.  

Best case scenario... the antibiotic works and he breezes through this flare.  Worst case... he is put back on steroids and talks of pushing up the surgery.  Please continue all of your good thoughts and prayers.  He can sure use them.   

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