October 14, 2010

Here goes nothing...

I've complained written  here about being insanely tired all of the time.  I honestly don't know why.  I'm sure it has to do with me staying up all hours of the night.  I can't seem to fall asleep at a reasonable hour.  So then, how do I deal with working and being so tired?  I drink a can of pop, everyday, while working.  I crack that sunuva open at 8:00am and nurse it until about noonish.  I'm not even sure it helps.  But, in my head.. it does.

And...........I've made it no secret that I hate my weight and blah blah blah...  I know I've heard and read that just giving up that pop can take the weight off.

We'll see.

I went months without drinking pop.  I would always order water when eating out.  I would only drink water at work and home.  Where did I slip back into the comfort of pop?  I cracked open my last can of Pepsi, Monday morning. 

From that point on.. it's been nothing but water! And that's the way I'm going to keep it! (except for the occasional alcoholic beverage. haaaa!)

Let's see how cutting my pop completely out of my diet affects my weight.  Although, I am sure I will be drinking loads of Green Tea in it's place.

I only hope that I don't start snoring at work.... so far so good.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I NEED to do that too. Do I WANT to though?

    Good luck!
