October 15, 2010

Invisible Disease

It's very hard, as a cynical mom, to have a child with IBD.  You can't see cramping.  The Demon stayed home from school yesterday.  He says he was up "every hour".  I know he was up at 1:00 am because I was just laying down for bed at that time.  I didn't hear him up again until I woke up at 6:00 am, and he was already in the bathroom.  When you have a child that misses school regularly for doctor appointments (that cannot be made at any other time of day because of the doctor's schedule...) to just give in and keep him home for other reasons is a very difficult line to walk. 

He's been known to go to school after getting up three times during the night for bathroom trips.  He's been known to head to school after going 12 times the day before.  He's fallen asleep on the toilet and in the shower, yet has gone to school.   He's even been known to go to school when I've been so tired and given him the option to stay home.  He argued with me saying he was OK to go!  (I know, I know bad mom... but I was very tired.)

I just have to hope that, when he does wake up in the morning and tells me he is cramping or just generally doesn't feel well enough to go to school,  he is telling me the truth.  I've lost count how much school he's missed and it's only October.  I can only hope that once we get Remicade started we see an improvement.

I also hope that 2011 brings the Demon a healthier colon.


  1. I couldn't imagine being his age and having the problems that he does. Especially at school. Kids are so mean. How is he doing in school? I know I have a daughter with asthma, and she can miss a lot of school, but we try hard to keep up with everything. I hope he feels better and can rest.

  2. We'll know soon enough! He's been doing great in certain classes and seems to struggle for others. He gets his report card on the 30th!
