October 13, 2010

Why do doctors...

give you pictures like this...

(is this gross?)

Do they really think that the average person knows what the hell this is?  

What is wrong with the picture?  

What makes this Ulcerative Colitis vs a healthy colon?

Either way... I was told that the biopsy and scope went well.  There are no active ulcers, but apparently the picture shows inflammation.  Okay, if you say so!  Now, we wait.  Wait for the biopsy to come back to determine if he has any virus.  Wait for the insurance company to OK the Remicade treatment.  Wait for scheduling to set up an appointment to start treatment.

For the Demon's sake, I hope we don't have to wait long.  He is starting to see the side effects from being on the Prednisone for over 2 months.  Puffy face.  I hate seeing him self conscious.

Waiting sucks.

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