February 10, 2016


I was wasting time on Facebook and one of those "memories" popped up and it was an old blog post. It's apparent, in that post, that I was not in a very good mental place and needed to take some time to intentionally find the good that still surrounded me.  

That was 2011.  

Today, I find myself in a similar state of mind.  Now, I look back at that post and can't remember anything significant going on in my life.  Maybe if I looked at a few posts prior or following - something would be triggered... but, going just off that one entry, nothing comes to mind.  Without going into too much detail right now (don't you worry, I'll update soon enough!) I thought I should  take the time to find the good surrounding me, right now. 

Today I am thankful for:

- finally having health insurance.
- having a roof over our heads and food in the fridge.
- my family.
- my friends.
- having a job.
- chocolate.
- my baby Blue.
- yoga pants and leggings.
- & this song...

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