October 13, 2014


Have you ever heard that saying (or had the feelings yourself) that you were called to do something?  How corny does that sound?  I guess, unless you've had those feelings you just don't "get" them.  I've always had a pet of some sort.  For 36 years, I don't remember one day when we didn't have an animal in the house. We've always had cats, and usually at least 1 dog.  After Mao was really sick a couple years ago, I made a vow that I couldn't go through that again.  It just wasn't in the cards for us to have healthy pets.  And, I was beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.  Is that morbid?  With pets, you're always tied to the house.  Always have to be home to feed them, to let them outside to go potty.  My Truck is 10 years old..the kitties are both 5.  They all have quite a few years left..but I just knew I didn't want any more pet responsibility for a long, long time.

Until a couple weeks ago.

I had this feeling that there was a dog out there that needed us.  Me.  The Demon.  I was also beginning to think a bigger dog may come in handy while I'm out there on the trails, alone, walking.  So the search began.  More than one person suggested a Black Lab.  But, I was not getting my hopes up too soon..I knew they'd be hard to find.  I knew exactly what I wanted.. what I needed.  I wanted a young male, black lab, that would be good with cats.  I wanted a young enough pup that he could be raised with my kitties - since they are always priority #1 - but sincerely didn't want to go through the puppy stage again.  I love my sleep too much.

Then, I saw him.  Friday, while looking through Petfinder,  I came across Blue.  He was adorable.  He was the one.  I quickly sent in my application and waited.  I checked my email constantly Friday because I was hoping to meet him Saturday.  I was praying no one had already scooped him up.  He had just been listed 2 days prior, but when I looked at those photos..surely he'd be gone!  So... I continued to wait.

And wait.  

What seemed like an eternity - ended up being less than 24 hours...

It was now Saturday morning and we were planning on attending a local pet adoption event that usually is held at our local PetSmart store.  I was trying to delay our leaving.  I didn't want to go and see all the sad pups when  I knew Blue was ours!  As we were leaving the house, my phone rang and it was Blue's foster mommy.  I was near tears.  I was so thankful she called at that exact moment!  She came to my house a few hours later and he got along great with everyone.  Of course, the cats will take a bit longer to warm up to the idea..but HE is great with them.  He understands his place.  Within that hour I signed the papers and paid the adoption fee and he was mine.

All mine! 

I couldn't be happier right now.  Well, except for the overnight accident that we experienced his first night with us.. lol  That was a puppy wake up call.  Day 2 was perfect - no puppy puddles or piles!

We went on our first 3 mile walk yesterday and he was wiped out.  The photo above is right as we got back into the Jeep.  haha!  It's going to take some time, patience, and training, since this pup is going to be a big'un.. but we are ready to put in the work.  It's like having a new baby - minus the baby cries and diapers and sleepless nights.  I'm excited for what the next year has in store for this little guy..and all of us.

oops, should I have blurred out this slightly rated R photo!? ha.

He's just the perfect addition to our family.  Now, I need to figure out a way to get both he and Truck into the same photo.  That will take some work..

Enjoy your week!

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