September 22, 2014


It's the first day of Autumn!!  Ok, so technically it's not officially Autumn until later this evening, but, I sure did my last day of summer dance this morning.  I have a feeling we've not seen the last of the summer temps just yet... but soon!  I can see the end and that's good enough for me.  However, I will miss our frequent trips to Don's Creamy Whip and DQ a bunch!  We'll just have to drive a bit further to eat in at a DQ.. I must have regular sprinkles in my life.

My best walk to date!  If you've been a reader you know I become slightly obsessive. I have a feeling walking/jogging (yes! I have even attempted a bit of a jog while out) has become an obsession to me.  I'm not even sure I can blame competition with my brother anymore.  He doesn't seem to care when I rub my winnings in his face!  But that doesn't even matter to me.  It's almost like I *must* beat myself.  I have to get in more mileage than the day before.  I put in at least 3 miles outside and at least 3 miles inside, daily.  Anything above that happens when I'm sitting on the couch and realize.. uh, I could be watching this TV show while I jog in place.  So.. I do.  I have to get more steps!  Since going to the doctor in July, I've lost 17 lbs.  I don't even care about that.  I rarely weigh myself, but tomorrow I am going for my physical and thought to check.  I am not even overly excited about the weight loss.  It's a strange feeling to honestly not care about weight.  But walking has helped me in ways I can't fully grasp..and I assume that mindset is part of not caring about a number on a scale.

Very rarely do I take photos while I'm out putting my miles in.  My phone is clipped to my waist and I don't want to go through the trouble of unclipping and reclipping.. noway - I won't be slowed down!!  But, one day, I decided to bring Bella with me and she can't hang too well with walking long distances without little breaks.  I walked her down to the creek in between laps and noticed these pretty flowers!  So - I dealt with the hassle for a moment.  Seriously, look at her!!  Her tongue.  Cripes.  I just can't.

Speaking of Autumn.. the best parts of my walks, now, are the falling leaves.  I love the smells as I am walking.  I love the crunch of the leaves.  I love the cool breezes and even love being startled by a toad jumping across my pathway.  I am constantly looking down as to not step on any of the billion daddy long legs that seem to think they don't have to look left and right before crossing the path!  

Every day after work, before I pick the Demon up from school, I walk the cemetery across the street.  I put in about a mile there.  Why I never thought to do that before now, I don't know.  It's so peaceful.  It's a great way to spend the time I'd otherwise be spending angry at jerk parents double parking or not letting me out of my parking spot to leave the lot!!  I've eliminated about 20 mins of anger from my day, just by choosing to walk. 

I can never stay away from Spring Grove Cemetery for too long.  I had an hour to kill before having to be at the school and thought to walk through.  Normally, this place is so big I drive from destination to destination.  This time, I walked.  And, got lost.  Argh!  It was frustrating - especially because I had such limited time.  I had to shoot the Demon a text explaining I may be late and was officially lost.  Then a few turns later I came upon Dexter and knew exactly where I was.  What a beaut!  

That's about all for now.  I hope you've had a wonderful weekend.  Last week I put in a bit over 48 miles... I must beat that!

Enjoy your week. ♥

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