October 4, 2012

Things I Love Thursday.

One of my favorite things about TiLT is that I can be totally random and that's okay.  The more I think about it, I think that's the point - to be random.

via:  west elm

Seriously, I need to learn how to cook/bake so that I can have a legitimate reason to purchase these measuring cups.  White, please!

via:  etsy

Uh... LOVE. I've grown up always having a set of TV trays.  When I was younger they were metal and a few years ago I bought a wood(ish) set.  blech!  They suck when compared to this beautiful set I saw on Etsy.  My current set is in awful condition so I'm on the hunt for a great replacement.

via:  amazon

Halloween music anyone?  I don't reserve this CD solely for October, but, I do play the crap out of it during this time of year.  It's such a fun cd and if you don't have it... get it!  I'm on my second copy (I recently misplaced my original) so you all need to catch up.

via: etsy

How CUTE.  The link will send you to a tutorial of how to do this adorable Halloween decoration idea.  I really wish I had discovered Mod Podge Rocks! when the Demon was younger.  For the past few years, around Christmas time, we've had fun with Mod Podge.  He enjoys crafty things a bit more than I do... it's due to the fact that he's 132% more creative than I have ever been.  


I know there has to be a story behind the above picture.  I've seen various images just like this but have no idea why these women would be wearing these huge costume heads or what it means?  If you know, please share!  Either way, I love this picture and if I could have it enlarged I would purchase this and happily hang it in my bedroom.

I hope you are enjoying your Thursday!

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