October 9, 2012

I need to do something, anything.

Not that long ago.. probably a little over a week? I mentioned that this is my most favorite time of the year.  I mentioned that I've not been as "funky" lately.  While, for the most part that's true.. I still have my moments.  Understandably...

Having said that.. I have realized that we're already approaching the second weekend in October and we have done nothing!  Granted, I only have the Demon every other weekend - and this *is* our first October weekend- but I want to do something.  Even something as simple as heading to a park and taking a hike through the trees to see the beautiful changing leaves.  It really doesn't even have to be a park (although, here in Ohio, we have some beauties!).. maybe I should take a walk around the neighborhood.  Once I get out of the crap that is my immediate area... I enter a beautiful little part of town with streets lined with trees and falling yellow, red and orange leaves.   I think if I were to get out and enjoy the weather (especially since it's been amazing lately!) my mood may improve longer than a day or so.

However, it's a lot easier for me to plant my butt and watch trash reality TV mixed with a few Horror movies. 

This upcoming weekend we have a few things planned.  I hope to blanket the blog in lovely Autumn pictures soon.  I haven't picked up my camera in a couple months.  That has to change.

People have recently started talking about Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Let's just say - simply typing that sentence has my eyes welling with tears.  We'll get through the holidays... but I don't want to just get through them.  I want to enjoy them.  When talking about the deceased,  friends always encourage "They would want you to be happy!" and that sentiment is so true.  

So... that's what we'll try to do.

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