October 10, 2012

a little nature.

 we did it!  we took our walk yesterday and we really enjoyed ourselves.  well, i did.  i forced the demon to hold all sorts of things so i could take some photographs. 

"I thought we were actually going to go for a walk!  Not, 'let's walk so you can stop every 2 seconds and take a picture!!'"

God love him.

aren't those little swirlies on truck's hind end so cute!?  yes.

I took so many pictures, so, I'm going to break them up into multiple posts.  These pictures are definitely very deceiving.  The area we walked was a very run down, littered, possibly inhabited by homeless people, creek bed.. behind a furniture warehouse store and a Family Dollar.   I tried to accomplish two things 1-capture beauty in, what is otherwise known as, a very crappy part of the area and 2- not run into any other human beings that could possibly be living in these woods.

What is this?  There were tons of them laying all over the ground.  I was afraid of being hit in the head as they were falling from the trees. and, I stepped on one and it was so soft and squishy.  blech!

We found  many colorful leaves but not too many worthy of showcasing in pictures. 

These were a couple that weren't torn too badly and actually were vibrant colors.

Again, I have no idea what this is, but, we found quite a few of them, also laying on our path.  I say "our path" because, really, this was no path meant for hiking...I was doing all I could to not step on something round that would result in me biting the dust!  

Toward the end of our trek we found a bunch of pine cones on the ground.  This was one of the few that weren't crushed and torn.

We found a couple more items laying around...

This piece was metal and very rusted dirty.. but unique and beautiful in it's own way.  I regret not shoving it in my pocket and saving it for myself.  I'm not exactly sure why I'd want to keep this, but looking at this picture I wish I had it.

I found this piece of slate almost immediately as we entered the woods.  It's weird because of the hole.  It almost looks intended for something.  I did keep this and it fit nicely in my pocket.  Thankfully, when I forgot that it was there and sat down once getting home - it didn't crack in half! The Demon collects rocks and gems and will add this to his collection.

Finally, I wanted to include this...

Let's just pretend that it is some random litter.  The alternative thoughts that crossed my mind were way to morbid to discuss!  But, I thought it was super creepy and I wanted to show it off.

I am so happy that we got out of the house.  It was a much needed breath of fresh air and I hope to do it more often.

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