October 12, 2012

a little bit more nature.

As promised, here is picture filled - post #2 from our afternoon walk through the "woods".  I hesitate to refer to this area as "woods" but I'm at a loss for the right word.  It's tree filled... so we'll go with it.

I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.

Before we actually entered the woods I noticed these mushrooms growing on the side of this stump.  While walking on the street, the wooded area is on our right as we pass by the Furniture store and a Family Dollar on our left.  Once we pass by those stores there are houses.  This stump was in the front yard of one of the homes.  I always feel weird pulling out my camera in front of a person's home.  Is that weird?  Would you find that strange if you glanced out your front window and saw someone photographing your stump?  :)

Like I said in this post, we were walking along a creek bed.  The above, is one of very few pictures I got of the water.  In most places it was gross and murky and just not extremely attractive.

 As we were walking I would occasionally look up and I'm so happy I did at this exact moment...

This nest was the only one I saw in the area.  Weird, when you consider the amount of tall trees surrounding us.

There was a lot of fallen - very large - trees all around us.  It was almost intimidating seeing so many huge trees just laying around.  It makes me wonder how the residents in that area get through major storms without really freaking out at the idea of these big guys falling all around their homes.  Although, I imagine there is a lot of "freaking out" occurring when the creaking and cracking starts.

 Look at the size of these roots!  These are just two examples.  To give you perspective of size..

I was just amazed.  Maybe it's because I'm so much more a city type of person - but I was really blown away.  Is it just me?

As we were walking home I noticed we had a hitchhiker! 

Not the best of pictures, but we were contending with a tired Truck...ready to get home.   What can I say, while he's super excited to hit the streets for any walk - he's always ready to go home.

I have just one more post for you all from this afternoon out and it is going to be interesting.  At least I think so. ha!

Enjoy your weekend.

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