September 25, 2012

top ten V.18

as i was trying to think up a topic for today's top ten i realized that i'd probably rather be doing something else.  so, as i was giving up and thinking that i'd just take today off, it hit me.. let's look at 10 things i'd rather be doing.

01.  sleeping!  {needs no real explanation}

02.  decorating for halloween.  what a creepy fabulous idea!


03.  browsing.  i was originally thinking - shopping - but really, i love to just walk around and dream of buying.

04. listening to this cd.


05.  celebrating the 25th anniversary of this movie by watching it!

06.  eating a piece of cake.  if for no other reason, than i want a piece of cake right now.

07.  taking a peaceful, long, hot shower.

08.  getting a tattoo. that says a lot.. i'd rather be sitting in a tattoo parlor with a needle going through my flesh - than to be doing what i'm currently doing.

09.  watching trashy reality television!  no really, does anyone else watch the real housewives of new jersey?  a 3 part reunion show?!  weee  i can't wait.  is there a season 5 planned?  i sure hope so.

10.  walking around the zoo.  i love visiting the cincinnati zoo on cool, crisp days.  when you add in the fact that it's also a rainy, dreary day... that equals heaven for me.  elephant poo and all ♥

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to catch up on my "housewives"! Cable is being installed today!!
