September 23, 2012

my week on instagram

♦ loving my new wax burner.. now i just need to get some yummy fall scents.
♦ of course i have to have the Jeep smelling all autumn too.
♦ i got a new cd & i'm loving it.
♦ trains anyone?!
♦ apparently the boys are slowly sneaking out owls from my grannie's house and adding them to my collection.
♦ i found & purchased this cute halloween kitty from the thrift store.
♦ we had another dr's appt at the hospital.  he's not totally happy with the demon's progress but we're in a "wait and see" holding pattern.
♦ mao is continuing to play and his eating has increased!  
♦  i found this adorable little felt box at the dollar bin at target..but showed some restraint and left without it.

i hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

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