August 22, 2012

way back when.

years and years ago, when my brother and i were young, we would spend time at my great grandma's a lot.  we lived just around the block and could walk over whenever we wanted.  while we were there we would always "play" with these small, porcelain dolls.  when i say "play" we basically pointed and would name them and on very rare occasions we would very carefully pretend they would crawl or walk.  it was usually those occasions when my grandma was not around and we were just lucky we never broke one of them!

on monday night, after eating dinner at my grannie's house, i suggested that my brother brave the scary attic steps (oh, how i wish i had my phone or camera ready for a picture of the steps) and see what is hidden away.  the heat of the attic was far worse than the scary steps!  just before he was ready to come down he found a box and insisted that i would love what was inside.  

he was right!

as i was pulling the figurines out, one by one, all the happy memories came rushing back through my mind.  i knew i wanted these and i would do what ever i had to in order to make room for them at my house!  i removed a bunch of old reference books (mostly medical stuff) from an enclosed bookcase and had just enough space.

i'm not 100% happy with the final result... i'm not sure what i don't like, but,  i may have to continue to rearrange them.  how creepy adorable are they!!&%$#@

they aren't the only find that i had my brother snag from the attic and a few things were left behind that i still want to get my grubby little hands on!  i'm sure as i steal more goodies from her house i'll share them with the rest of the world. 

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