August 21, 2012

top ten V.19

school starts tomorrow.  i have an 8th grader.  wtf!  i feel like i'm probably 24?  maybe 25 years old.  how can i possibly have an almost 14 year old.   he's almost in high school!?!  not my baby!

i have such a love/hate relationship with school starting.  i love that this means autumn is right around the corner and that means... halloween!!  the most wonderful time of the yeaaaar!  oh, and let's not forget my birthday.  who am i kidding, i never let anyone forget my birthday.  and to round out everything i love about fall.. the new tv season starts for all of my favorite shows!

as much as i love this time of year,  this list is going to be dedicated to all things i dislike about the school year.  this list is probably endless but i am going to narrow it down to just ten.

01.  waking up an hour earlier during the school week than during summertime.  if you're new around here there isn't much i love more than my sleep.  i also have a horrible habit of turning over in my bed, turning the alarm off and going back to sleep.  i hope we don't have many days that we're rushing out the door.

02.  going to bed early.  it's not so much that i dislike going to bed early it's more of an issue of i have serious trouble falling asleep early!  not only that, but having a bedtime, in general, is not fun...for anyone.

03.  homework.  i think i dislike the demon having homework so much more than i ever did when i had homework as a kid.  it's so much harder to help him do his work versus doing my own work.

04.  grades.  maybe i would enjoy grades more so if the demon brought home letters that are a little closer to "A" in the alphabet.

05.  along with homework and grades comes stress.   there is so much stress and tension between the demon and i throughout the school year.  i need to learn to be more patient and understanding when it comes to helping him with his school work.  

06.  i may be in the minority but i really dislike the social aspect of being a parent.  i have never had the desire to be a PTA or a room mom.  i dislike kids so much that the thought of volunteering for any school field trips or parties makes me want to run for the adult beverages.  thankfully, one positive of the demon being in the 8th grade is that this is his last year at that school.

07.  money, money, money.  i know this will happen in high school as well..but during the summer it's not something we have to deal with. fundraising.  it seems as if every other week a flyer is coming home asking us to buy candles or magazines or wrapping paper or whatever!  

08.  speaking of money.. what about having to buy new supplies and clothes?!  the demon wears uniforms but each and every year on top of having to buy the new "normal" wardrobe we have to throw an entire new set of uniform clothes.  thankfully, the demon stays in the same size throughout the school year.

09.  dealing with the social aspect for the demon can and may be another issue as well.  normally, everything is unicorns and rainbows for him when dealing with his friends.  i hope that continues to be the case.  this is his last year at that school and i really want him to enjoy this time of his life.. not worry about how other people see or think of him.

10.  i have 1 year to boost the demon's self confidence.  he's already starting to worry about high school, next year.  we can't have that!  i want him to be excited about entering high school.  i don't want his 8th grade year to be focused on worrying about next year.  i know this isn't exactly a dislike when it comes to the school year.. but it's something that i'm dealing with and thought i'd share it with you all.  maybe, if anyone is reading that has gone through this, could offer advice.

until next time!

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