August 28, 2012

return to the attic!

last night i, once again, convinced my brother to head up the crazy, scary steps and retrieve some more goodies from my grannie's attic.  this time the demon braved the ladder and joined him up there.

i don't think this picture really does the ladder justice.  it does not come all the way to the ground.  instead, it rests, very shakily, on a wooden box that slips and slides if not supported by another person waiting at the bottom.  waiting and praying that the creaking and cracking of the steps does not indicate an immediate snapping of the wood.

anyway.. he brought me a few items that i can't wait to share with you all!  let's just say.. he's officially creeped out to ever be alone in my living room!  i haven't taken pictures just yet.. i have a little bit more to do before i feel we're camera ready - but they will come soon.

i really wish i could go up there!  besides the fact that i will never attempt those stairs, it's just entirely too dirty and dusty for me.  i'd be a sneezing, allergy mess in minutes.  what i did do was convince the demon to brave the steps to come back down a bit and grab my cell to snap a picture of the "infamous" red chairs that they both describe as  a couple of "SICK" (read: awesome!) red chairs.  

i have no idea where they came from or who they belonged to but they are gorgeous!  i must figure a way up there.  maybe if i wear a mask?  find a more sturdy set of stairs to climb?  i'm not sure just yet but i. must. find. a. way!

there is one thing i want to show you all as a sneak peek!


how awesome is my momma!? haha!  her hair!!!  speaking of hair.. really?  wtf is going on with my hair.  it should come as no surprise to anyone to know that i have extreme phobias when it comes to getting my hair cut and judging from this picture - i'm sure it's safe to blame my momma for this fear.  i love this picture and it's been moved from the dark, dirty, hot attic to my mantle.  

one last thing.. please take a couple minutes and throw some prayers and healing vibes my nephew's way.  he's having knee surgery today and he's nervous!   we'd all appreciate whatever good thoughts come his way.

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