August 16, 2012

500, empty promises and no excuses.

This is my 500th blog entry!  what the whaaaaaaaat!?  i am amazed with myself.  i know i could've done better over the couple years that i've had this but i am beyond happy with myself.  i'd be even happier if all my blogs still had all their pictures... but whatever.

as far as being MIA over the last few days i have no real excuse.  life is a little busier than normal during the day that by the time evening comes around the last thing on my mind is editing pictures and putting together a post.  i follow a ton of blogs and i'm jealous at their dedication!  i gotta find my blogging mojo, i'm sure it's still in there somewhere.  so, i apologize for always hoping and promising blog posts and then not coming through when i say i hope to.. they will happen but i have to realize it will happen when i can make time.  i want them to be quality posts and thoughts.. not just thrown together sentences because i feel like i have to blog.  i want it to be a want.. a fun time!

on a different note, i have been super diligent with taking a photo each day for the #photoadayaug  challenge that i set for myself.  here are just a few of what i've taken this month and if you're interested in following along you can find me on instagram @raisingkane1.  if you want to participate head on over to fat mum slim and jump on into the fun!

finally, i want to take this time to welcome any new readers!  i know you're out there :)  and to send a huge "thank you!!" to those of you that regularly visit this little part of my world. it really means a lot to me that you care enough to come back... especially after reading my crazy.

here's to another 500 posts! 

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