July 6, 2012

WTF(riday) - I'd love to punch you in the face.

this is exactly what i would say to who ever is in charge over at google+, picasa, and blogger.  whose ever idea it was to merge the photo albums together.  who ever thought of the brilliant idea that if a person deletes their picasa album  FROM.  THEIR.  PHONE.  also intends to completely delete the album from the entire internet world.. including their blog.  

WHO would ever imagine?!?!

why would it ever enter someone's mind that deleting a photo album from their phone's gallery would result in any picture ever being removed from their blog?!?!?!?!?!  in what world does that seem reasonable?

the other day i was flipping through my photo albums on my phone.  i was deleting any picture that i didn't need with the hope of freeing up some space on my phone.   i noticed one of the albums looked to be pictures from my blog with the little picasa logo on the cover of the album.  i thought to myself "hey, why do you need your blog pictures on your phone?  you don't...so just delete them."  

...and i did.

the result?  every picture that i posted on my blog from 2/10/2012 until yesterday is now gone. every picture has been replaced with a huge black box with an exclamation point.

cue the sickening feeling in my stomach and eyes welling up with tears.

i have tried to recover some pictures with different software and in some cases i've been successful.  i am sure i have some pictures backed up on various flash drives and others will be on my facebook. eventually i will try to weed through every.single.blog.post from 2/10 until 6/29 and try to fill in the blanks and upload appropriate pictures.  however, i know i don't have every single picture that i once had.  many times i will upload, edit and post a picture for the sole purpose of using it on my blog.  in those cases i immediately delete the picture from my computer because i really have no reason to back up random pictures (ie. dirty water pool pictures) - and since i'm still sharing a laptop with the demon i hate to weigh down his computer with hundreds of miscellaneous pictures.

if you are reading this and you have any idea if there is a way to recover this album (picasa) please let me know.  after searching around online i have found nothing...nothing other than people apologizing to the poor sap that just deleted their album and at the same time ruined all the hard work they put into their blog. not only did i find numerous complaints posted, online, regarding this exact situation but these complaints were over a year old!  WTF!?!  if people were having this problem so long ago, WHY isn't there anything in place, now, to warn people of the consequences of deleting pictures from their phone? 

i'm beyond upset.  i can't even comprehend a word to express what i feel right now.

i have to decide whether to delete the affected posts all together or just randomly go through and edit each blog so that they make sense without the pictures.  which ever i choose to do i ask that you bear with me.. this won't be a quick process.

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