June 20, 2012

uh oh.

very early on into the new year i made a list of goals that i wanted to accomplish before the end of 2012. 

as you can see, i have not accomplished much in the first 6 months of the year.  really!  it's almost the end of june.  i have been spending less time online in the evenings as well as really put forth an effort to blog a bit more.  so, i guess that's another 2 on the list that i may be able to cross off soon.

how can it be.. 6 months later and i still haven't had my oil changed.  not only that, but i'm sitting on an important safety recall for my jeep!  i'm so lazy.  i'm pretty sure i'm going to break down on the side of the highway and be working my fingers to the bone trying to dial up someone to come save me.

despite not accomplishing much on the list (and completely bombing any weight loss attempts) - i did manage to do something *major* on monday.  i. broke. my. tooth!  if you know nothing at all about me but my fear of anything dental related, you'd know almost everything there is to know about me.  the anxiety began immediately after realizing it had broken.  but, that realization came after  the fact that the filling and piece of tooth that were missing...must have made their way down my throat!  i've not seen them since.  pretty gross.

i was afraid i had broken too much tooth away eliminating any chance i had of a crown.  in my anxious mind that left me with 2 options - removing the tooth (it's my upper last tooth on the right,... ultimately cause all of my upper teeth to shift/tilt over the next few years ruining all my ortho work) or a dental implant (not a chance).  if you can't already tell, i am a worrier.  i started to hyperfocus on everything that could go wrong.  

thankfully as of yesterday, my tooth is - very temporarily - fixed.  i do have enough natural tooth left and will need to call an endodontist and schedule myself for a root canal and crown.  freak.OUT.   even though we now have a plan in place i will worry.  since i have no dental insurance i plan on going with a stainless steel crown... at least until i can afford a porcelain crown.  crazy!  i never pictured myself with a "silver tooth".  the tooth in question is far enough back that it won't be seen except for when i open wide enough and laugh all crazy like  - which i am known to do a lot.  oh well.

i've had 2 root canals and 2 crowns (the freak 6th grade hockey incident) with no complications, but, for some reason i'm extra anxious about this upcoming procedure.  i just hope and pray the current "fix" holds until i can get it properly treated and in the meantime, any crazy tooth dream doesn't occur.

enjoy your hump day!   i plan on posting up to date pool water pictures tomorrow.  i think you'll be surprised!

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