June 25, 2012

better late than never?!

as promised, albeit late, here are some recent pool pictures.

this is how the demon spends a lot of his time in the pool.  he is tossing the ball on the roof.  why he enjoys doing this, i have no idea.. but it keeps him outta trouble.

soon, the beast joined in the fun.

i assume the roof has been turned into a "basket" and as the ball comes down from the roof the boys fight for the rebound.  again, it keeps 'em outta trouble.

and no summer in the pool can be considered complete until i get the standard "handstand shot".  after many failed attempts, this was the best shot i could get. 

as we were going to the pool store for the third time, in as many days, i was stuck by another.freaking.train.  it was then that i realized.. if i took a shot of every train that stops me throughout my week, i wonder if i would have enough train pictures to post a random train one in every post....

maybe i'll try that challenge sometime soon!

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