June 27, 2012

splish splash.

it's been a year since we've all been to the water park section of Kings Island.  because of the demon's surgeries we didn't go at all last summer.  the park did a lot of work on this part of the park.  there are new water attractions and a whole new wave pool! the above picture is from our first trip.  

after the first trip i was pretty sunburned - especially my back.  we decided on sunday that we would shell out the money for a cabana and i can't explain how much i appreciated the shade.  it was the first time we splurged and it was well worth it if for no other reason than it was crazy packed.  reserving the cabana guaranteed that we'd have chairs, tables and basic personal space.

i love the above picture!  i could have done without the weird border but that's what is standard with the "retro camera" app on my phone.  eh.  this was taken as i was lounging in the shade.

i think it's safe to say that the boys enjoyed themselves...

finally, i went to walgreens, the day before our first trip, in search of a small, handheld fan.  unfortunately, they had none and the only smallish fan that they did have was $10!  i caved and purchased the fan and couldn't be happier at my decision.  

i don't know how i ever lived through a water park visit without this little gem...

seriously.  i may even take this thing with me on normal trips to kings island on those extra hot days.  it's wonderful.  if you don't have one of these water fan things, you have no idea what you're missing!

pssst... another train picture.  this one was a last minute decision.  i wasn't the first in line for this train so i figured it would be extra hard to grab a shot.  this was the best i could get...

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