June 28, 2012

i went for the tourist look.

on tuesday night we hit the "ride section" of Kings Island.  with my brother working third shift we rarely get to stay late so we took advantage of the fact that he went to work a little later wednesday morning.  unfortunately, i'm still dealing with a less than whole tooth, therefore.. i was scared to ride anything crazy.  instead, i chose to take loads of pictures.  as i was standing with my phone in the air trying to capture the perfect picture of this....

... i realized i probably looked like a tourist.  i mean, why would a person that frequently visits KI stop to take a picture of the tower?!  i don't know and i didn't care.  i was on a picture taking rampage!

i did ride the Windseeker....against my will.  i rode this once last year and took pictures the whole time.  i believe i was distracted with both taking the pictures and holding on to my phone for my dear life.  when i rode it on tuesday, i had to keep my eyes closed to prevent myself from yacking all over the innocent bystanders standing below.

as i was waiting in line i grabbed this shot...

... of the Racer!  not the best shot, but it'll do.

as we were walking to The Beast (my most favorite ride. ever.) (also, ridden tuesday night against my better judgement) i grabbed this shot..

 ... of Vortex!  sometimes my measly camera on my phone surprises me with a great picture.  and, by "great" i mean great compared to my old, piece of crap, phone.

after the Beast we decided to go up, up , up to the top of the Eiffel Tower.  there i was able to get some more shots of the park.  we don't often go to the top of the tower so i'm glad we made the stop.  but, before we got there we walked passed...

... Diamondback!  not the best shot but, again, it'll do!  no matter how hard i tried i couldn't get a clear picture of the car...but my goal was the water, and i think it looks good.

once at the top of the tower it was hard to choose which area would be the best to capture.

i decided that this was the way to go.  Son of Beast.  this huge wooden coaster sits.  it hasn't been open since 2009, but still stands.  i went to the Kings Island's website to link its information here, but nothing can be found regarding this ride on the site.  such a waste of space!  fortunately, i can say that i did ride this before it was closed.  i hope something is decided for the 2013 season and it's either reopened (my preference) or torn down so a new attraction can be built. 

despite the fact that the boys were cranky and i was unable to ride much of anything we all had a great evening at the park.  one day soon, i hope to be able to stay for the fireworks.  that's another rarity with my brother's crazy schedule.

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