June 26, 2012

bowling family fun.

the boys always want to go bowling.  it can get expensive, but it is so much fun.   none of us are what you'd consider great bowlers but we all have a great time.  normally, we get 2 lanes -my brother and i use one lane and the boys and my sister-in-law use the other one (and use bumpers in the gutter).  it's very hard for me to spend money for bowling and then sit there and see him throw gutter ball after gutter ball.  

he's also as hard-headed as i am and rarely takes any helpful advice. 

my brother had an especially great time.  soon after we started the second game he was on a strike streak!

i'm still not totally used to the whole electronic scoring.  i remember having to write down the scores.  i remember having to figure out how much to score for a spare vs a strike.  growing up, my brother and i used to bowl in a weekend league.  it was so much fun.  i remember the laughs, the snacks, the friendships.. nowadays there seem to be a lot of rules...

the beast is always up to something... as you can see by the evil grin on his face.

after we bowled three games (2 of which i beat my brother!) we went straight for ice cream!

and...before we could leave the demon insisted we stop for this photo op.

the other side was a guy cut out but he chose this one.  he can always be counted on for a laugh!

it was a great night spent with the family.

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