April 11, 2012

When you do good you feel good!

Saturday afternoon I noticed a stray in my garage.  Now,.. before I go any further I have to explain that my Grannie thinks that it is her responsibility to feed any cat that may stumble into her yard.  I believe the word is out and we see random cats daily.  It was that afternoon that I noticed a cat that was not like the others.  This one didn't run from me when approached.  She was friendly and loving. 

Easter Sunday she returned.  She was good with the kids and craved affection.  She did have a collar and a very expired rabies tag around her neck.  However, the Vet labeled on the tag was in Kentucky!  I thought she was just dumped in my neighborhood.  I couldn't understand that, though, because she seemed like such a good kitty.

By Monday, we were letting her inside.  Both boy kitties got along great with her.  By getting along great I simply mean they didn't attack.  Truck wasn't as welcoming.  He didn't want to attack, but he surely wanted to play and the stray was having nothing to do with him.  The big problem we had was the fact that every time we would open the door she would run for the hills!  It was then I had to make a decision..  I will not have a cat running the streets.  I can't be responsible for what may happen to her while she's out in the real world.   I worry much too much to have that on my head.

Tuesday morning I called and scheduled an appointment with our vet.  In the back of my head voices kept whispering to me "there is no way you should be doing this!  we don't want or need another pet in my house!"  On the other hand, this cat needed us.  She chose us.  My plan was to get her checked out and hope for a clean bill of health, and keep her inside.  I also had to be realistic and face the fact that she just may not want to be an indoor cat and she wouldn't fit with our family.  I began to ask around for ideas on local no kill shelters but it was not looking promising.

I tried to get a few pictures of her while at the vet....

... but, she could not be bothered to pose for any type of photo.

When we checked in, I told the lady that she was wearing a collar and had a tag.  She offered to call the other vet and try to find some information if I wanted her to, and of course I said yes!  A few minutes later she comes in with a name and 3 phone numbers!  I regret not calling on Saturday.  After a couple of phone calls I reached the owner and in less than 15 minutes she was being reunited with her owner!! 

I couldn't believe that it all worked out and everyone is happy.  She was so thankful!  It was a lesson the Demon had to learn as well.  As much as he would have loved to keep her, he realized that the right thing to do was to find the owner and get "Ginger Snap" home!   Everyone in the vet that was involved left for the day with a great story to tell. 

Knowing what I know about how this kitty I have decided to keep the phone numbers close by.  If she goes for an open door at her house like she has shown to do here over the past two days, we may be seeing her again sooner rather than later!

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