March 20, 2012

A whole lotta pain & even more pictures.

I had every intention of blogging yesterday.  Sunday evening I uploaded the pictures I took while doing some yard work and edited them with the plans to start a post.  

I fell asleep in front of the laptop.  

I saved nothing and just shut the lid and made my way to bed.  I woke up, yesterday morning, in serious pain.  My neck!  I have been using a new pillow and up until yesterday morning I had no complaints.  I'm not quite sure what the heck happened but I was so sore I was nauseous.  I made it through work and came home and fell asleep.  

Again, I woke up in pain!

Thankfully, the Demon has some strong hands.  He massaged my neck for a few minutes, I popped a pain pill and spent the rest of the evening with a heating pad.  I wish I had thought of using a heating pad because it helped immensely.   In fact, I'm enjoying the heat right now.   :)

Because of the change in plans, no Top Ten for today.. I just not feelin' it at the moment.  Instead I wanted to show everyone this...

(picture taken with my new phone! such an improvement.)

This is a wall in my Momma's room - the wall directly across from her bed.  Could she have any more pictures?!  I offered to replace all of the picture frames to have some sort of uniformity but she wasn't hearing it.  She wanted things done her way so my brother attacked the wall with nails and a level and this is the result.  What I think she really wanted to do was to hide as much of the hideous pink paint as possible.

I don't blame her.

Tomorrow I hope to blog about the busy weekend we had.  Enjoy your Tuesday!

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